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Replacement 52cm Microfibre Flat Mop Head

Replacement microfibre mop head.


Fits our metal handled micro-fibre mop with 52cm head. Suitable for cleaning and applying sealers (use separate heads and always following the instructions on the product label.) 


This Microfibre Mop is lint free and super absorbent, allowing cleaning of larger areas more quickly and efficiently than traditional mops.  Also suitable for applying sealers, delivering a smooth release of sealer making the job quicker and easier, without leaving fibres in the surface that traditional mops would do.  Apply thin layers of sealer and move mop slowly to avoid air bubbles.


Larger surface area and rectangle shape allows maximum coverage and a good fit into tight corners. Lightweight, much lighter than traditional mops, rudcuing fatigue and stress when dealing with larger areas.   


Replacement 52cm Microfibre Flat Mop Head

SKU: acc/scmfmh
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